LION^ddiiTg -a(i impressive
Sim^fa-style mane to a full-
facdf/mask is simple (and
Nab a few crafts store
basics: unadorned masks,
pipe cleaners, ribbons, feft^
feathers—and get gluing.
It’s time to
those dreams of
come true—no fairy
required. Using a
outline the
eyeholes of your mask with
glue and glitter. Hot-glue
flowers, feathers, and
butterflies around the top.
Adhere four ribbon ends to
the back corners of the
mask, and—if you’d like—
decorate the ribbon with
flowers. Give your design a
professional edge by gluing
flowers to hide where the
ribbon meets the mask.
Sprinkle on a final touch of
fairy dust (er, glitter). And,
Crafting this mask is a
real hoot. Brush the entire
mask with glue and layer on
the feathers—the thicker the
better. Add brown and yellow
felt rings to outline the eyes
and a yellow felt triangle for
the beak. Place a few bigger
feathers above the eyes—heavy
brows will keep your owl
looking wise.
weire not “lion”!). Just glue
raffia to a cardboard strip,
essentially creating a
headband for the mask.
Hot-glue it to the inside
perimeter. Spray the mask
with yellow paint, then mist
the cheeks, forehead, and
chin with orange paint for
extra dimension. Cut two
yellow felt triangles for ears
and a brown felt triangle for
the nose, and hot-glue them
in place. For the mouth, bend
pipe cleaners into jowls, and
hot-glue them on, too. Use a
marker to add extra facial
embellishments— and start
practicing that loud roar.
Let your
child’s imagination grow.
Cut 24 yellow felt petals,
two green felt leaves, and
two brown felt circles. Using
the eyeholes as centers, glue
petals in a circular pattern.
Add green pipe cleaners for
stems, and glue on the
leaves. Place the brown felt
circles on top of the petals,
cut out the eyeholes, and add
a few sparkly beads around
your peepers.
No trick:
Halloween’s a treat
H alloween isn't ju st for kids anym ore. We found that nearly 70 percent
o f our online com m unity o f m om s, The M otherboard, w ere extrem ely
involved in celebrating the holiday w ith their kids, nearly half
reporting being more engaged in the event than their parents w ere.
W hy so much love? Stress. M eaning, com e October 31, there isn't any.
“ You don't have the pressure of buying gifts or m aking a big m eal— you
ju st decorate and have fun w ith your kids,” one mom told us.
“ It's more fun for less m oney and w ork,” added another.
a million women strong
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